Perfect Workbench Punctuation

Today I took delivery of a absolute work of art.

I have been fortunate to get to know Master Blacksmith Tom Latane over the last year or so. This fall, after our "Forest To Furniture" demonstration I asked him for a favor. I knew over the next few weeks I would be building my new bench, once I was done, I'd need a few appliances. Holdfasts I had, a leg vise could wait, (and still can wait), but if I was going to live without a leg vise for a while, I would need a new plane stop.

On my Nicholson bench I had installed a recessed plane stop that raised up by a spring with a thumb screw and it works very well. But for the new bench I felt like I needed something more traditional. Something that was unique and complementary. The period at the end of a well written sentence.

Tom said he'd be happy to work with me and once the bench was finished I contacted him. He asked for some measurements and I asked if he'd find a way to add a bead detail to the work. So the plane stop, an integral part of a working bench*, fit together in the overall aesthetic.

Harmonic balance.

Fractal details,

Feng Shui,

You name it what you will, but it makes me smile.

I saw Tom today at a presentation I gave, He had my new plane stop in the pocket of his coat.

It's about 2 3/4" from the teeth to the heel, and 4 5/8" from the heel to the tip of the spike.

When he told me the price he wanted. I could hardly believe it myself. He's more than willing to make more, and for now, he only wants $60.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, "Something like this has to be more."

"If I get tired of making them I'll raise the price." He said.

So consider this your fair warning. Ask him for one while the price is still, what I would consider, ridiculously low. You will not be disappointed. You can contact him through his website

Ratione et Passionis

*Needing a plane stop as an integral part of a working bench is my humble opinion, but after being introduced and working with one for quite a while, I will never build a bench without one if I can help it.


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